Falkirk Council sets the pay structure, grades and number of spinal column points (SCP) within each grade and determines the appropriate grade for each post.

This is based on spinal column points which are set nationally.

  1. Table of contents

Grade and annual salaries

The Craft and Scottish Joint Council (SJC) grades and salary scales are set out below and are based on a full time employee working 37 hours. An employee working less than 37 hours a week will be paid pro rata to the hours worked.

Annual salaries (2023)

Salary scales for SJC employees effective from 01 April 2023. Based on locally agreed arrangements these salary scales will also apply to Craft employees within Falkirk Council.

Grade A

SCP Hourly Annual
18 £11.86 £22,880

Grade B

SCP Hourly Annual
20 £12.15 £23,440
21 £12.29 £23,710

Grade C

SCP Hourly Annual
22 £12.45 £24,018
23 £12.59 £24,288

Grade D

SCP Hourly Annual
24 £12.70 £24,501
25 £12.81 £24,713
26 £12.96 £25,002
27 £13.11 £25,292
28 £13.26 £25,581
29 £13.42 £25,890

Grade E

SCP Hourly Annual
30 £13.59 £26,218
31 £13.76 £26,546
32 £13.88 £26,777
33 £14.09 £27,182
34 £14.26 £27,510
35 £14.47 £27,915
36 £14.65 £28,262

Grade F

SCP Hourly Annual
37 £14.85 £28,648
38 £15.05 £29,034
39 £15.23 £29,381
40 £15.43 £29,767
41 £15.46 £29,825
42 £15.63 £30,153
43 £15.91 £30,693
44 £15.96 £30,790

Grade G

SCP Hourly Annual
45 £16.17 £31,195
46 £16.37 £31,581
47 £16.61 £32,044
48 £16.84 £32,487
49 £17.07 £32,931
50 £17.31 £33,394
51 £17.53 £33,819
52 £17.78 £34,301
53 £18.03 £34,783

Grade H

SCP Hourly Annual
54 £18.29 £35,285
55 £18.52 £35,728
56 £18.80 £36,269
57 £19.05 £36,751
58 £19.33 £37,291
59 £19.61 £37,831
60 £19.87 £38,333
61* £20.18 £38,931

* Overtime limit SCP 61

Grade I

SCP Hourly Annual
62 £20.41 £39,375
63 £20.75 £40,030
64 £21.01 £40,532
65 £21.21 £40,918
66 £21.48 £41,439
67 £21.82 £42,095
68 £22.12 £42,673

Grade J

SCP Hourly Annual
69 £22.42 £43,252
70 £22.74 £43,870
71 £23.07 £44,506
72 £23.40 £45,143
73 £23.54 £45,413
74 £23.90 £46,107
75 £24.26 £46,802

Grade K

SCP Hourly Annual
76 £24.61 £47,477
77 £24.97 £48,172
78 £25.38 £48,963
79 £25.74 £49,657
80 £26.13 £50,409
81 £26.52 £51,162
82 £26.91 £51,914

Grade L

SCP Hourly Annual
83 £27.33 £52,724
84 £27.75 £53,535
85 £28.15 £54,306
86 £28.55 £55,078
87 £28.98 £55,908
88 £29.44 £56,795
89 £29.89 £57,663

Grade M

SCP Hourly Annual
90 £30.30 £58,454
91 £30.76 £59,342
92 £31.24 £60,268
93 £31.69 £61,136
94 £32.21 £62,139
95 £32.65 £62,988
96 £33.14 £63,933

Grade N

SCP Hourly Annual
97 £33.65 £64,917
98 £34.12 £65,824
99 £34.68 £66,904
100 £35.15 £67,811
101 £35.69 £68,852
102 £36.23 £69,894
103 £36.74 £70,878

Grade O

SCP Hourly Annual
104 £37.34 £72,036
105 £37.88 £73,077
106 £38.47 £74,216
107 £39.06 £75,354
108 £39.65 £76,492
109 £40.23 £77,611
110 £40.81 £78,730

Where an employee has 6 months service in grade, as at 1st October, annual increment(s) will be awarded where applicable. Two increments will be awarded each year, unless only one increment remains at the top of the scale, at which stage, the one remaining increment will be awarded.

Employees who start between 1st April and 30th September will receive their first increment with effect from the day following the completion of 6 months service after their appointment, promotion or re-grading. Thereafter they will, where applicable, receive an annual increment on 1st October each year.

Living wage supplement

We currently apply a living wage supplement to all employees who earn less than the living wage (which is agreed with Living Wage Foundation).

From 01 April 2024 employees on SCP 18 will be paid a supplement on top of their hourly rate to bring their earnings to £12.00 per hour.

The rate of the living wage supplement is subject to regular review and may be removed or changed at any time.


Craft Apprentices will receive an increase on the basic wage each year as follows:

  • Year 1 – 50% of full time rate
  • Year 2 – 70% of full time rate
  • Year 3 – 80% of full time rate
  • Year 4 – 85% of full time rate

This is based on the first point of each relevant grade. No increments will be awarded to Apprentices during the training period.

Salary scales for Teachers and associated professionals

The SNCT salary scales can be found on the SNCT website. These are based on a full time teacher working 35 hours. A teacher working less than 35 hours a week will be paid pro rata to the hours worked.


The allowances page has information about sick pay, overtime payments, standby payments and more payable allowances.

Additional increments for qualifications

Chief Officers in consultation with the Head of People, Technology & Transformation can consider awarding employees, with at least 12 months service, a maximum of 2 additional increments within the relevant salary band for achieving a further level of qualification, which was not held at the time of application for employment and which has a direct relevance to the post.

Methods and periods of payment

Craft and SJC employees will be paid over 12 months, on the 28th of each month, by credit transfer to a bank account.

Job evaluation/grading request

All Craft and SJC jobs will be graded using the SJC National Job Evaluation Scheme. Grading requests must be approved by the relevant Chief Officer and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Implementation of an approved Council or Service review/restructure.
  • An approved vacancy management recommendation (such as the creation of a new post).
  • A substantial or material change in duties/role. Managers should refer to the Job Evaluation Questionnaire and SJC 3rd Edition Scheme (see Job Evaluation Scheme section) before submitting paperwork for Grading.
Grading request form

Questions about the process should be forwarded in the first instance to the Reward Team:

Grading group

There are 2 grading groups. One group deals with the grading of SJC/Craft posts and the other deals with the job sizing of SNCT (Teaching) posts.

The SJC/Craft Grading Group meet to consider the grading of SJC/Craft amended posts or new posts created within the Council. This Grading Group is made up of members from Human Resources and Trade Unions. Grading Group members have received training on the job evaluation scheme operated by Falkirk Council. The group will meet at least 8 times a year. Future dates for the Grading Group (SJC) will be notified to managers on enquiry.

The Job Sizing Panel meets to consider the grading of promoted/amended teaching posts or new posts created within the Council. This panel is made up of members from Human Resources, Senior Officers within Children's Services and Teachers Union Representatives and generally meets on a quarterly basis.

Job Evaluation Scheme

The job evaluation scheme in operation for SJC/Craft posts, is the national SJC Job Evaluation Scheme. The job evaluation scheme in operation for SNCT posts is the national SNCT Job Evaluation Scheme.

Job Evaluation Questionnaire (reduced version)
SJC JES 3rd Edition
Grading Appeal Form
Teacher Job Sizing Guidance (training version)
Teacher Job Sizing Process
Teacher Job Sizing Questionnaire (training version)
Teacher NGT 13

Job Sizing

Job Sizing is conducted for promoted teaching posts within Children's Services. Job Sizing is a national process agreed by SNCT, applied locally. Further information can be found on the SNCT website.


HR, in conjunction with Children's Services and Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), have developed the following guidance to support Headteachers/Managers through a Job Sizing process. This is based around the SNCT guidance and should be referred to prior to initiating a request for Job Sizing.

Job Sizing procedure


Before advertising a promoted post you should consider the following and also take into account Job Sizing timescales:

  • Have the responsibilities of the post changed? If yes, Job Sizing may be required
  • Has the post met a trigger under the SNCT Job Sizing guidelines? If yes, Job Sizing will be required
  • Is this a newly created promoted post? If yes, Job Sizing will be required for this post and potentially for other posts within the school management structure


The following document should be submitted to start a Job Sizing request:

Job Sizing proforma

If it is agreed that Job Sizing is required for your post, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Job Sizing Questionnaire for each post
  • A summary of the responsibilities of promoted posts within the establishment
  • A staffing summary showing which promoted post each member of staff within the establishment reports into
  • Secondary schools should provide a timetable showing timetabled teaching commitments.

All of the above documents should be submitted to jobsizing@falkirk.gov.uk.

The following documents are useful to refer to whilst completing the paperwork:

Further information

Please contact the HR Reward Team: jobsizing@falkirk.gov.uk.

Flexible and voluntary benefits

We have a range of voluntary and flexible benefits available to employees.

Trade union and other deductions from pay

You can pay your recognised Trade Union subscription directly from your salary.

You should contact Payroll to request this: payroll@falkirk.gov.uk.

Payroll timetable

Payroll Group Frequency Contractual Pay Day Latest date into Payroll
(guaranteed processing)

Monthly salaries


Monthly 28th of month (*) 10th of month

Monthly salaries

Education claims


Monthly 28th of month (*) 10th of month
Weekly payroll Weekly Friday Preceding Monday 2pm
Permanent teachers Monthly Last working day of month (*) 10th of month
Temporary teachers Monthly Last working day of month 20th of month

* Please note that in the cases of the monthly payrolls highlighted, the contractual pay date is shown. Employees should not make financial commitments that rely on payment before the contractual pay day as the Council is not bound to make payments prior to the contractual pay day.

All HR Forms should be authorised and with Payroll no later than the 10th of the month. This includes hours changes, payroll related changes and leaving posts/terminations.

All new appointments will be processed up to and including the 17th of the month.