The CFSLA staff lottery is for employees of Clackmannanshire, Falkirk or Stirling Councils, Assessors for Central Scotland and retired employees from any of these employers.

The lottery costs £1.20 a month - which will be deducted from your salary. For this, you will get the following:

  • 4 entries into the Falkirk Council monthly draw for a £250 prize
  • A further 4 entries into a 2nd draw for a £1,000 prize for all contributors

The money remaining from the lottery is donated to local groups and organisations to buy equipment and resources. And we also support staff fundraising activities through 'top-up' funding.

How to join

In order to continue donating money to local groups and charities, the CFSLA is actively seeking new members and we would like to invite you and your colleagues to join, if you are not already contributors.

Joining is simple. Just print off the CFSLA staff lottery application form, update with your own details and send to the Payroll department.

CFSLA staff lottery application form

View previous winners on the CFSLA lottery website.

Charity & community groups

If you are fundraising for a charity or community group, please make sure you apply for additional support. If you know of a community group, eg Brownies, Boys Brigade, sports teams, etc or a charity who need new equipment please apply using the Charity or Community Group application form:

Charity or Community Group application form

A total of £16,672 was donated to local good causes by the staff lottery in 2015 with over £350,000 donated since the launch of the fund in 1994.

Staff fundraising

If you are an employee participating in a fundraising event, you can apply for additional support by completing the Staff fundraising application form:

Staff fundraising application form

CFSLA committee

If you are interested in joining the CFSLA committee to promote the staff lottery in Falkirk Council, to help decide how to distribute the funds raised and are able to attend our 4 annual meetings, please email:

More information can be found on the CFSLA lottery website.