We run a cycle to work scheme, the option to purchase annual leave once a year, and discounted AA membership. We've partnered with Vivup (lifestyle savings), Salary Finance (financial wellbeing) and AVCWise (Shared Cost AVC's) to offer additional employee benefits and discounts. These are designed to help improve your physical, financial and mental health.

Please see the menu on the right-hand side to look at the options available.

We've also got a range of local benefits from local and national businesses. For the local benefits, your Falkirk ID badge must be shown.

Falkirk Council is not the provider of the offers, benefits or services described or linked to on this page. The providers of the offers, benefits or services shall be solely responsible for any loss or damage arising from same. Falkirk Council does not accept any liability in connection with such offers, benefits or services.

  1. Table of contents

Interested in advertising with Falkirk Council?

Complete our Falkirk Council benefits form and we can advertise your discount here.

Getting Away

Going Out

Health & Fitness

House & Home

Legal & Financial

Looking Good




Time Limited Offers

  • There are no benefits in this category at present.