Planning performance
We have to make a report every year on how our planning service is performing. We have to do this under the Planning Performance Framework (PPF). This annual report covers:
- how quickly we decide on applications
- certainty of timescales, our process and advice
- making sure we get good quality development
- project management
- clear and open communications with customers
- an overall 'open for business' attitude
It gives a clearer view of the overall performance and quality of services offered by our planning service and will be used to help improvements in the future.
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Planning Performance Framework 2023
PDF file, 18.7 MB
Enforcement is another vital part of the overall planning process and exists to protect the environment and general public interest. Our Planning Enforcement Charter below explains what enforcement means, what the Council can and can't do, the service standards we set ourselves and what happens at each stage of what can sometimes be a lengthy process.
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Planning Enforcement Charter
DOCX file, 56.2 KB
Our Development Management Charter sets out the aims of the Development Management Unit and our targets for achieving the Council's vision. The document sets out what users can expect from the Development Management Unit and provides a guide to the planning process from pre-application discussions through to completion of development.
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Development Management Charter
DOCX file, 108.3 KB
Building Standards performance
Annual Performance Report
Our Annual Performance Report is a business action plan for how our Building Standards service will be managed. It acts as a strategic planning and management tool to ensure that our activities align to our overarching vision and goals as an organisation.
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Annual Performance Report
PDF file, 727.7 KB
Customer Charter
The National Customer Charter for Building Standards Verification provides information about the minimum standards of service that all local authority verifiers should meet.
Our Local Customer Charter underpins the aims of the National Customer Charter. It sets out the standard of service customers can expect when using our Building Standards services.
It will inform you about:
- Our vision and values
- Our aims
- Our commitments and performance targets
- The services we provide
- How to give a view or make a complaint
- Downloads
Customer Charter
PDF file, 282.8 KB