
As winter conditions continue you may want to make the switch to a more affordable source of heating.  For example a heat pump or wood-fuelled boiler may provide a better heating solution for you.  Not only is it kinder to the environment it can also make a difference to your energy costs potentially saving you hundreds of pounds each year.  

There is a range of financial support available:
Interest-free loans of up to £10,000 from the Scottish Government, with a payback of 8 years and grants of up to £1,250 from the UK Government.
This could mean that your upfront costs are either mostly or even totally covered, for example, if you bought an air source heat pump for £9000 you could claim an £850 grant towards the cost of the system plus an £8,150 interest free loan!
In addition to this, you may be able to earn cash from your heating system through the UK Government’s Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.  This scheme should be available from summer 2013.
Councillor Gerry Goldie, Convener of Housing and Social Care said: "This event is especially designed for home owners who live in areas where there can be difficulties with  mains gas supplies for heating. We are always keen to support different energy efficient methods and this event will demonstrate a range of alternatives that are available."
The Energy Saving Scotland advice centre is holding an Energy Exhibition on Saturday, 9 February Avonbridge Community Hall in Avonbridge to showcase energy efficiency and renewable technologies. There will be exhibitors showing the latest technologies to not only make your home cosier, but to provide heat and power using alternatives to traditional fuels.   Come along and talk to our advisors between 10.00am and 12.30pm to find out more about the financial and practical support on offer.
For more information, call free on 0800 512 012.