
A £6m project to provide 1800 more energy efficient hearting systems across the Falkirk Council area was given the go-ahead by a meeting of Falkirk Council’s Policy and Resources Committee earlier this week (18th October).

The three year project, starting in November 2011, will mainly focus in areas where there is no gas supply as well as replacing older solid fuel and also electrical storage systems which are far more inefficient and costly to run.

All of the new systems will have the highest energy efficiency rating and will provide tenants with up to 18 hours of off-peak charging. They can also provide hot water in between five and ten seconds and reach maximum temperatures within five minutes.

Cllr Craig Martin, Leader of Falkirk Council said: ‘With the massive hike in fuel prices over the past few years, tenants are paying excessive charges for some types of energy however, with these new systems, we can target those who will most benefit from a replacement system.

‘The contract is substantial and has been designed to maximise the benefits to our tenants and to ensure we get the best value from the deal.

‘We are particularly pleased that as part of the contract we can ensure that at least three local young people are taken on as Modern Apprentices giving them real training and skills to help them to secure future employment.’