
Challenge Panels

These panels are designed to allow open, honest and transparent conversations that aim to make projects bolder, more innovative and more ambitious while also helping to drive additional savings.

  • 3 priority projects in workstream to undergo a challenge panel
  • Outcomes will be fed into our Business Plan and our recovery
  • Feedback from previous panels: conversations were positive but outcomes need reviewed in line with strategic priorities and input from communities

Project Status


  • Consideration to be given to whether any projects can be accelerated or new projects identified
  • PIDs/Project plans to be refreshed in light of COVID-19 taking into account milestones may have been delayed or can now be accelerated

Closer to Home

  • Project will not make current planned savings
  • Savings to be re-profiled across next 5 years
  • Currently £2.4m overspent on emergency care due to COVID-19
  • Need clarity from Finance on allocation process for funding received from Scot Govt for COVID-19 expenditure

Closer to Communities/Locality Planning

  • Community Planning Project to be scoped as part of the challenge panels
  • Given savings plan against Closer to Communities and Locality Planning, more financial and non-financial benefits need to be generated.

Succeed Today Excel Tomorrow (STET)

  • Report to go to Executive to agree STET programme to allow statutory consultation to progress
  • Additional Support Needs - clarity needed on 20/21 savings and beyond and how these will be delivered

Key Messages

  • Increased visibility and clarity of project PIDS/Plans/Financials - need clear timelines for all elements, making sure they recognise impacts of COVID-19, both positive and negative and some timelines may have slipped; however some may be accelerated based on changed ways of working
  • Challenge Panels – there are 3 priority projects in Enabled Communities. Need to ensure communication is open and honest at the panels if we are to achieve what is needed. Need to be more innovative and creative in each project’s transformation.
  • Need clear, concise correspondence from the PMO on project reporting requirements

Next meeting: September 16th